rz namespace
- class AdaptivePurePursuitController
- The AdaptivePurePurePursuitController is a controller that drives the robot along a path using the pure pursuit algorithn.
- class AsyncVelBangBangController
- class AsyncVelTBHController
template<isRQuantity Distance>class FeedforwardController
template<isRQuantity Distance>class SimpleMotorFeedforward
- class IterativeVelBangBangController
- class IterativeVelTBHController
- class SlewRate
- class CoordinateAxis
- class CoordinateRotation
- class CoordinateSystem
- class Translation
- class Pose
- class Rotation
- class Transform
- class Twist
- class CubicBezier
- class DiscretePath
- class ParametricPath
- class PiecewiseCubicBezier
- class CrossPlatformMutex
- class CrossPlatformThread
template<class State, State initState = State::IDLE>class StateMachine
- using Point = Translation
- using CROSSPLATFORM_THREAD_T = pros::Task
- auto circumradius(const Translation& iLeft, const Translation& iMid, const Translation& iRight) -> QLength
- auto circleLineIntersection(const Translation& start, const Translation& end, const Translation& point, QLength radius) -> std::optional<double>
- auto curvatureToPoint(const Pose& position, const Point& point) -> QCurvature
- auto closestPoint(std::vector<Translation>::const_iterator begin, std::vector<Translation>::const_iterator end, const Point& point) -> std::vector<Translation>::const_iterator
- auto linearToWheelVelocity(QSpeed velocity, QLength wheelDiameter) -> QAngularSpeed
- auto wheelToLinearVelocity(QAngularSpeed velocity, QLength wheelDiameter) -> QSpeed
- auto constrainAngle360(double iAngle) -> double
- auto constrainAngle180(double iAngle) -> double
- auto constrainAngle360(QAngle iAngle) -> QAngle
- auto constrainAngle180(QAngle iAngle) -> QAngle
- auto sinc(double x) -> double
- auto quadraticFormula(double a, double b, double c) -> std::optional<std::pair<double, double>>
- auto wheelForwardKinematics(QSpeed linearVelocity, QCurvature curvature, QLength wheelTrack) -> std::pair<QSpeed, QSpeed>
- auto wheelForwardKinematics(QAcceleration linearAcceleration, QCurvature curvature, QLength wheelTrack) -> std::pair<QAcceleration, QAcceleration>
template<typename T>auto sgn(T val) -> int
template<typename... Args>void RQuantityChecker(RQuantity<Args...>)
template<typename T>concept isRQuantity
Typedef documentation
using rz:: Point = Translation
using rz:: CROSSPLATFORM_THREAD_T = pros::Task
Function documentation
QLength rz:: circumradius(const Translation& iLeft,
const Translation& iMid,
const Translation& iRight)
std::optional<double> rz:: circleLineIntersection(const Translation& start,
const Translation& end,
const Translation& point,
QLength radius)
QCurvature rz:: curvatureToPoint(const Pose& position,
const Point& point)
std::vector<Translation>::const_iterator rz:: closestPoint(std::vector<Translation>::const_iterator begin,
std::vector<Translation>::const_iterator end,
const Point& point)
QAngularSpeed rz:: linearToWheelVelocity(QSpeed velocity,
QLength wheelDiameter)
QSpeed rz:: wheelToLinearVelocity(QAngularSpeed velocity,
QLength wheelDiameter)
double rz:: constrainAngle360(double iAngle)
double rz:: constrainAngle180(double iAngle)
QAngle rz:: constrainAngle360(QAngle iAngle)
QAngle rz:: constrainAngle180(QAngle iAngle)
double rz:: sinc(double x)
std::optional<std::pair<double, double>> rz:: quadraticFormula(double a,
double b,
double c)
std::pair<QSpeed, QSpeed> rz:: wheelForwardKinematics(QSpeed linearVelocity,
QCurvature curvature,
QLength wheelTrack)
std::pair<QAcceleration, QAcceleration> rz:: wheelForwardKinematics(QAcceleration linearAcceleration,
QCurvature curvature,
QLength wheelTrack)
template<typename T>
int rz:: sgn(T val)
template<typename... Args>
void rz:: RQuantityChecker(RQuantity<Args...>)
Variable documentation
template<typename T>
concept rz:: isRQuantity